In today's world, where everyone is looking for a job that meets their needs and ambitions, VALENTI FAMILY stands out for its unique benefits for its employees.
Our team is a well-coordinated group of experienced professionals working in harmony to achieve common goals.

Valentin Anatolyevich Zaporoshchuk
Valentyn Zaporoshchuk is a prominent Ukrainian entrepreneur, founder and president of the PRAVIO group of companies, co-founder of CEO Club Ukraine, member of the Board of Directors of the Union of Dairy Enterprises of Ukraine and a member of the Chernihiv Regional Council.
He was born on June 4, 1970 in Smila, Cherkasy region. Since 1996, he has been actively involved in the development and management of the dairy business, introducing innovative methods of milk production and processing, which has made him an ideologist of modern technologies and management methods in this industry.
In 2006, Valentyn Anatoliyovych founded the PRAVIO Group of Companies, which unites a number of agro-industrial and dairy enterprises, including the Private Joint Stock Company Ichnyanskyi Dairy and Cannery (VALENTI FAMILY - dairy companies). Thanks to significant investments in the construction of a modern canning shop and the introduction of the latest equipment from global manufacturers (AMKCO Europe, GEA Westfalla Separator Process, GEA Process Engineering A/S, GERNEP, INDEX-6, John Bean Technologies N.V., MEGA, Pentair Südmo, SN Maschinenbau and others), Ichnyansky Dairy and Cannery has become the only modern canned milk production plant in Ukraine.
The company annually takes an active part in the most prestigious international food industry exhibitions, popularizing Ukrainian products in Europe, Central Asia, the UAE, South Africa, China and other regions. VALENTI FAMILY manufactures and sells products under its own brands: TM MamaMilla, TM Ichnya, TM Milada and others.
The company exports its products to more than 70 countries, including:
- Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Uzbekistan;
- countries of the Middle East and North Africa: Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, UAE;
- North, Central and South America: United States, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Cuba, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United Kingdom;
- African countries: Angola, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, and Congo;
- Asian countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Maldives, Mongolia, Philippines, Japan, Australia.
One of the company's key strategies is to maximize customer satisfaction by creating new and high-quality products. Thanks to the leadership and vision of Valentyn Anatoliyovych, PRAVIO Group continues to strengthen its position in the global market, setting new standards of quality and innovation in the dairy industry.

Startup approach
The application of the startup approach at VALENTI FAMILY is manifested in the active support and stimulation of new ideas and suggestions from employees.
The company has an open culture that encourages the collection and discussion of ideas from all team members. Regardless of their position or level of experience, every employee has the opportunity to share their ideas for product development or process improvement.
New ideas are actively supported and put into practice. The company's management is open to experimentation and ready to implement innovative solutions. This inspires employees to be creative.

The company is interested in the career growth of its employees. It opens up broad prospects for development and professional growth for each employee. It is based on the principles of fairness, innovation and support.
VALENTI FAMILY invests in its employees and provides all the necessary resources for success and professional growth.

Benefits of working in the Valenti Family
Every employee can go from being an apprentice to a professional. We believe that true leaders and talented specialists deserve recognition and support in their professional development. The results and efforts that employees put into achieving their goals are important to the company.
The company offers a variety of training resources, from individual training and internal seminars to online and offline courses. We create an environment where employees can develop and improve their skills.
An incredible experience
VALENTI FAMILY is a leader in the export of condensed milk in Ukraine. Thanks to its success in the international market, employees gain unique experience working with clients and partners from around the world, which opens up many opportunities for professional and personal growth.
Open positions
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