
for бісквіту👇🏻

5 yolks

50 g of sugar

10 ml of milk

10 ml of oil

50 g of flour

1/2 tsp. baking powder

50 ml of milk.

for суфле👇🏻

180 g of butter

120 g of condensed milk

150 ml of water

350 g of sugar

16 g of agar-agar

200 g of protein (5 eggs)

vanilla, citric acid 1/4 tsp.

for глазурі👇🏻

120 g of cream 33%

2 g of gelatin + 1 tbsp of water

160 g of chocolate 56%

2 tbsp of oil

🌿Biscuit: beat the egg yolks with sugar for about 10 minutes until they turn white. Add flour, baking powder, milk, oil, and mix. Put it into a 22 cm baking dish covered with parchment, smooth it out and bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. Cool, and put into a mold, the one you baked in or a tall one, soak in milk


1. Beat the soft butter and condensed milk for 5 minutes until white

2. Beat the egg whites, 1 tbsp of sugar and the acid until stiff peaks form

3. For the syrup, combine water, sugar, agar, bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes, or until the temperature reaches 110 degrees

4. Continue to beat the whites with the mixer at maximum speed and pour the syrup into the whites in a thin stream. Beat until you see that the whites are wrapped around the whisk. Add the butter and condensed milk cream, beat for another 1 minute until combined, and immediately transfer to the sponge cake.

Chill the cake for 5-6 hours or overnight. 

Frosting. Pour gelatin with water, leave for 10 minutes. Add the gelatin to the hot cream, stir, add the chocolate, and finally the butter. Stir and decorate the cake. 

Enjoy your meal!

You can watch a video of the dessert cooking here: 

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